
Step Up Your Bridal Makeup Game with Values & Smart Moves!

If you’re a bridal makeup artist and your business has been feeling a bit blah lately, you’re not alone! But here’s the scoop: thriving in this sparkly world is about way more than knowing your way around a contour palette—it’s about getting those core values on lock and mastering some killer strategies.

Let’s Get Personal: Core Values Are Your BFFs

Okay, so core values are like your super honest besties who tell you if your outfit is a hit or miss before you leave the house. They steer your business decisions and keep everything real and fulfilling. If you’re just slapping on makeup without a clue why, it’s time to buddy up with those values!

The Bridal Beauty Accelerator Hub: Your Secret Weapon

Drum roll, please! Enter the Bridal Beauty Accelerator Hub. Whether you’re fresh on the scene or a seasoned pro, this gem is about boosting your brand, biz, and marketing game. Snag the deal at just $97 for the first ten days, then it bumps up to $297. It’s a little career love-in-a-box, made for all levels of makeup mavens.

Passion Over Everything

Here’s a little truth bomb: showing up with passion trumps everything. It’s not just about doing the job; it’s about bringing that fire to the chair every time. That passion? It’s contagious and it’s gonna make you the MUA everyone’s dying to book.

Turn the “Meh” into “Heck Yeah!”

Feeling lost or blah about your makeup content? Been there! Time to mix it up with some pro advice. Sometimes, the smallest mindset tweak can shoot your work from meh to mega-wow. Redefine how you put yourself out there, and watch your biz glow up.

Keepin’ It Real Attracts the Dream Clients

Social media can be a beast, but it’s all about being your fab, authentic self. Forget keeping tabs on your competitors—hone in on creating content that’s undeniably you. This is how you reel in those dreamy high-paying clients who can’t get enough of what you’re serving.

The Dollars and Sense of Pricing

Now, let’s talk turkey—or rather, money, honey. Knowing your costs like the back of your hand (which is, hopefully, holding a killer highlighter) is key. But here’s the kicker: it’s not just about slapping a price on those costs; you’ve got to emphasize the shiny benefits over plain-jane features to create swoon-worthy service packages.

In a nutshell, the Bridal Beauty Accelerator Hub is where it’s at for upping your bridal makeup career. With Jenny Tori’s insider know-how, you’re not just stepping up your game—you’re changing it. For the next ten days, it’s just $97 a month. If it feels like fitting a square brush into a round foundation bottle, no sweat, you can totally cancel. But hey, why not dive in, embrace your core values, and sprinkle your business with some magic? Let’s light up your career, one blushing bride at a time.

Catch you on the flip side, beauties, and stay fabulous! Next week, I’m coming back with more hot tips—don’t miss out!


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Hello! I am Jenny

Jenny Torry the founder of JTorry Makeup Academy, a professional makeup academy based in Dallas, Texas. I have been a successful Bridal Beauty Artist & Educator for over 15 years.



The Art Of Bridal Makeup At JTorry Makeup Academy

The Art Of Bridal Makeup At JTorry Makeup Academy

Everything you need to know
about How to execute a flawless
Bridal & Special Event Makeup
in our 8 Day Immersive course